martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Let´s have fun! 6º Writing and Listening


Let´s have fun.... I want you to click on the button and enjoy it! Pero espera...primero te explico un poco.

But first ...Steps

1st Language: choose english

2nd Voice: you can choose the voice you prefer ...

UK (United Kingdom)            Australian
US (United States of America)        Irish (Ireland)
South African            Scottish (Scotland)

3rd Effect and level (volume)

You can choose effects such as whispering (susurrar), change the speed to make it faster or slower...

Last step: you have 600 characters to write.... Prueba a escribir las frases con comparativos y superlativos para mejorar la pronunciación y añade los efectos para divertirte un rato. Say it!

Have fun! Have a nice day!

Os recuerdo mi    ¡Espero vuestros correos con vuestras experiencias!

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